In the darkness……. Let light shine!!
December 24, 2019
The Black Door
September 23, 2020

Movement that comes from joy and therefore creates it, allows us to be in our bodies – able to breathe fully.

Movement doesn’t have to be the cause of pain or the result of fear.

What if we move in a way that lifts up our souls and claims back our sense of agency?

OSHO, the great philosopher of the 12th century said “Don’t move the way fear makes you move. Move the way love makes you move. Move the way joy makes you move.”

An eating disorder will rob you of love and joy, replacing those feeling states with fear and obligation. Do you remember how you used to move as a child? Would you chase a ball? Climb a tree? Play with the family dog? What thoughts did you have about 'exercising' or 'burning calories'?

When the focus of movement becomes attaining a certain size or shape, your relationship with it changes.

When you start to move because of fear, your feelings about movement change too. Eating disorders steal the joy of being connected to our body and steal the joy of being able to express ourselves through movement. They turn movement into a way to demonstrate our self-hatred, rather than an act of self-love. Movement can become how we cause ourselves pain, rather than how we nourish our soul.

In 'The body keeps the score' Bessel van der Kolk says “Our sense of agency, how much we feel in control, is defined by our relationship with our body and its rhythms: Our waking and sleeping and how we eat, sit, and walk, define the contours of our days. In order to find our voice, we have to be in our bodies – able to breathe fully and able to access our inner sensations.”

Movement that comes from joy and therefore creates it, allows us to be in our bodies – able to breathe fully. Movement doesn’t have to be the cause of pain or the result of fear.

What if we challenge fear and say “Hey! I want to move the way love makes me move…..Because I love to move…….

I want to move the way joy makes me move….. Because movement brings me joy”.

What if we seek out movement that brings about connection and gratitude for the amazing things our bodies are capable of?

What if we move in a way that lifts up our souls and claims back our sense of agency?

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